Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Healthy "kozy" Dessert on a Snowy Day

A winter storm passed through Pittsburgh yesterday. It was lovely to watch the big flakes fall from the sky, and it covered the ground in a beautiful, glistening white blanket of snow.  What was not so beautiful, was being shaken from a peaceful slumber at 6:00 AM by the sound  of a tree gently falling across our yard, landing on our deck, and taking out our power and cable lines. Our power was instantly knocked out, and when you live in a house that gets its water from a well, and runs off old fashioned radiator heating, no power also means no pump to bring the water from the well into the house, and without water... No heat! 
Now that I have taken on the role of a stay-at-home mama, I have come to enjoy and appreciate a good snow storm.  There is something sweet and cozy about being trapped inside a warm house with a snugly baby and a hot cup of coffee  while knowing you don't have to trudge out in horrendous weather to be anywhere... So this occurrence was not exactly ideal. Thankfully, there was no damage to our house, and we were all perfectly okay.
Luckily, the electric company was able to restore the power within a few hours, and all was well again... As soon as I made myself a nice, hot vanilla latte.

When it is cold outside and warm inside, I crave comfort food.  However, having given up sweets for Lent, and because we are trying to eat healthy right now, this posed quite the challenge.  I was trying to think of something dessert-like, that wouldn't exactly be considered a sweet, and was somewhat healthy.  I did a quick scan of the items we had in the house, and came up with this delicious, healthful treat... That I swear tastes like apple pie!

(Serves 2)
3 Granny Smith apples (peeled, cored, and diced)
The juice of 1 lemon
2 tsp cinnamon
A pinch of nutmeg
1/8 of a cup of brown sugar
Frozen vanilla Greek fat free yogurt

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Toss all ingredients, but frozen yogurt, in a large bowl. Spray an 8x8 baking dish with cooking spray.  ***I had 2 small oven safe ramekins so I used these for personal servings. Bake for 30 minutes and top with a scoop, or two, of frozen Greek yogurt. Enjoy!

Now, just because I'm sure you're all just dying to see a photo of our fallen tree, here it is! On the bright side, our garden will be amazing this year, as this tree always partially blocked some of our sun light.

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