Monday, March 18, 2013

Rainy Day Blogging, a Yummy Granola Recipe, and Lots and Lots of Laundry

Spring is 3 days away.  Last weekend, it was 70 degrees in Pittsburgh.  Max and I went to the park for a walk and then even hauled the pack and play out on to the deck to enjoy some fresh air with Homer while my husband went golfing.  Today it is 30 degrees out, it is rainy and icy, and miserable.  So, even though last weekend we were so hopeful that spring was just around the corner that we went ahead and bought a jogging stroller... Today, Max, Homer, and myself are stuck inside, and sadly, I am a slave to the loads and loads of laundry that never seem to end in this house.  Did I mention how much I HATE doing laundry? I can't even blame all of the dirty clothes on the baby, because the truth of the matter is, I was buried in laundry long before he even came along.  I shudder to think of bad it will get when more children come along.
I decided to take a short break from the folding, and nursing, and book reading, and playtime this afternoon to whip up a quick batch of these Pumpkin Granola Bars. I first tested this recipe, that I found on Pinterest of course, last week.  My husband raved about how good they were.  Granola is so easy to make, that it truly pains me to buy bars in the store at this point.  They are over priced, and most of the time I can't even pronounce half of the ingredients. So... Since we liked this recipe so much, I made it again and decided I had to share.  I plan on making it about a million more times and even experimenting with some of the ingredients. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

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